Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center Has Topping Off Ceremony as Recovery & Wellness Center Construction Proceeds

March 3, 2023

New Facility Focused on Region’s Behavioral Health Care Needs Expected to Open Its Doors Later This Year, Responding to Community Need

At a “topping off” ceremony in New Haven this week, Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center (CS-HHC) leaders, joined by Lieutenant Governor Susan Bysiewicz, New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker, Hill Community Alders Evelyn Rodriguez and Carmen Rodriguez, CS-HHC employees, and on-site construction workers, signed their names to the final beam prior to its placement in the superstructure for what will be a Recovery & Wellness Center (RWC) focused on the increasing need for behavioral health services in the region. 

A 'topping off' ceremony is a long-standing tradition of construction workers, particularly steel workers, to commemorate the completion of a building's structure – specifically the placement of the final steel beam. It marks another incremental milestone for the Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center and the New Haven community. Construction is expected to be completed by year’s end.

When the doors open, the RWC will offer intensive outpatient and primary medical services, providing a safe, short-term therapeutic living environment for people in treatment for substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health illnesses so they can become stable in their recovery. 

The three-story, 31,000 square foot building will include individual and group counseling rooms and a medical suite; a 12-bed females’ dormitory and 40-bed males’ dormitory with semi-private rooms; a state-of-the-art industrial kitchen and cafeteria; and designated space for multiple therapies. The building is rising right alongside CS-HHC’s South Central Rehabilitation Center (SCRC), and will become a key component of a unique, fully integrated comprehensive continuum of care campus at CS-HHC.

Groundbreaking for the new facility took place last September, with state and local officials on hand to put shovels in the ground. Just six months later, the final beam of the steel structure is now in place, as construction continues to move forward. 

The Recovery & Wellness Center will be one of the most comprehensive behavioral health and addiction services centers in South Central Connecticut. Overall project cost is estimated to be $24.5 million; the State of Connecticut is the lead contributor, investing $10 million in the project.

CS-HHC is working with Svigals + Partners, the architectural firm that designed the building, and Newfield Construction, both Connecticut-based companies.

CS-HHC Executive Officer Michael R. Taylor highlighted the imperative for the Recovery & Wellness Center, citing the increasing prevalence and severity of the mental health and addiction crisis. A study from the Kaiser Foundation last year found that before COVID, 1 out of every 10 adults in the U.S. reported symptoms of depression, anxiety and substance use disorders. Post-COVID, that number has increased to 4 out of every 10. In underserved communities, the number may even be higher.

“When we free someone from the grip of addiction, when we effectively treat other behavioral health issues and also address their medical challenges -- all in a patient-centered and integrated manner -- we not only make individuals healthier, we strengthen our community,” said Taylor. “For nearly a decade, hundreds of people - dedicated to the idea that our patients need and deserve the best and most advanced treatment facility - have worked diligently to establish a Recovery & Wellness Center. Today, we are one step closer to it becoming a reality and a model for care in our community.” 

CS-HHC provides medical, behavioral health, dental and pediatric services. With more than 700 staff members who serve approximately 55,000 patients annually from more than 25 care sites and schools throughout the region, Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center accommodated more than 360,000 patient visits during fiscal year 2022. 

The Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center Foundation, formed last year to support the work of CS-HHC including the Recovery & Wellness Center, is raising funds to contribute to costs related to establishing the new Center. The mission of the Foundation is “to support Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center in promoting the health and well-being of the communities it serves.” 

The first Community Health Center in Connecticut, the Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center has a 55-year history of health equity in action, serving New Haven neighborhoods throughout the city. CS-HHC also provides health care services to residents of the City of West Haven and towns in the Lower Naugatuck Valley - Ansonia, Seymour, Shelton, Naugatuck, and Oxford. The Center was established in 1968 in a collaboration between the community and Yale School of Medicine, and is widely seen as a consistent leader in the field, among the nation’s most highly regarded community health centers.


Media Contact: 

Carlah Esdaile-Bragg, Director, Marketing and Community Relations, 203-506-2424 

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