The Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center Kicks Off National Health Center Week

August 5, 2019

The Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center Kicks Off National Health Center Week

New Haven - Starting Monday (Aug. 4), the Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center (CSHHC) will be among the more than 1,500 community health centers participating in an annual celebration designed to recognize Health Centers and their effort to increase access to affordable, quality health care and generate economic growth in local communities.

CSHHC will kick-off National Health Center Week (NHCW) with a mass distribution of free-meal vouchers to the homeless population of the Greater New Haven community. The meal vouchers are courtesy of Garden Catering New Haven, a partner in caring for the homeless community located on the green. The cards will be distributed throughout the week and can be redeemed for a meal at Garden Catering, 930 Chapel Street. This year’s national theme titled “Celebrating America’s Health Centers: Rooted in Communities” has strong local resonance, CSHCC officials said. “From our world-class health care providers and staff to our diverse range of dedicated public and private partners, every fiber of our being is focused on providing the highest quality care,” CSHHC Chief Executive Officer, Michael Taylor said.

“This means eliminating the inequities that negatively impact the health of our communities while cultivating the systems and services that enable our patients to thrive,” he said. 

Each day of NHCW 2019 is dedicated to a particular focus area:

Monday: Patient Appreciation

Tuesday: Stakeholder Appreciation

Wednesday: Children

Thursday: Staff Appreciation

Friday: Homeless Health Care

The activities are aimed at celebrating the many different people and organizations that allow CSHHC to flourish, health center officials said, noting that activities will also include outdoor informational tents and other health pop-ups around the community.

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