Community Health Centers Report Record Growth in Patients Nationwide; New Haven’s Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center Continues Growth, Providing Indispensable Quality Health Care Services

August 5, 2024

National Health Center Week is August 4-10


Community Health Centers nationwide serve a record 32.5 million people, or one in ten Americans – a surge of nearly 1 million patients. The analysis, from the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC), underscores the growing demand for affordable primary care services at a time when over 100 million Americans struggle to access a primary care provider.

In Connecticut, Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center, the state’s first Community Health Center, reflects that growth while providing a range of indispensable health care services, including primary care, behavioral health and addiction services, dental care, children’s health, geriatric care, and an array of medical sub-specialties.

Established in 1968, Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center continues to be a pioneering institution dedicated to providing excellent and compassionate care accessible to all. With expansion through the years across the region, CS-HHC now includes 35 health care locations throughout Greater New Haven and the Lower Naugatuck Valley. 

With a staff of more than 700 individuals, Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center serves more than 55,000 patients a year, and in recent years has seen patients from 143 of Connecticut’s 169 towns and cities. CS-HHC is widely seen as a consistent national leader, and was recently ranked in the top 3% of community health centers nationwide.

Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center’s highly anticipated Recovery & Wellness Center in New Haven is preparing to open later this year. It will be one of the most comprehensive behavioral health and addiction services centers in South Central Connecticut, and will 

become a key component of a unique, fully integrated comprehensive continuum of care campus at CS-HHC.

The NACHC analysis comes as the nation kicks off National Health Center Week (NHCW). The national campaign runs August 4-10 with over 700 events scheduled from coast-to-coast to celebrate health centers’ record of accomplishment in saving lives and tax dollars. This year’s NHCW celebration focuses on “Powering Communities Through Caring Connections” through a host of scheduled events across the country. At Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center, the recently launchedFrom Hope to Healing campaign is underway, led by the Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center Foundation.

Michael R. Taylor, who has led Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center as CEO since 2012, was selected as Board Chair-Elect of the National Association of Community Health Centers during the organization’s national conference last year. He will ascend to that position on October 1, 2025.

“I am incredibly proud of the caliber of health care we provide in the New Haven region and in Connecticut,” Taylor said, “and deeply honored to be in line to lead an organization that represents so many professionals and providers dedicated to ensuring that more than 31 million individuals living in communities throughout this country receive high-quality health care.”

Taylor has served as a member of NACHC’s board of directors for nearly five years, will be only the second individual from Connecticut to lead the organization. The other was Cornell Scott, who help found the-then Hill Health Center in New Haven just over 55 years ago and served as the center’s first president for 40 years.

NACHC is the leading innovative change agent collaborating with affiliates and partners to advance Community Health Centers as the foundation of an equitable health care system free from disparities, and built on accessible, patient-governed, high-quality, integrated primary care.

CS-HHC’s innovative model to bring equitable healthcare to the City of New Haven and the region is highlighted by partnerships across the community. These initiatives reflect a vision of collaboration and advocacy to improve people’s lives, consistent with the goals and aspirations of Cornell Scott and his colleagues at the creation of the health center, more than a half-century ago.

To learn more about the mission and accomplishments of health centers, visit


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